If you approach the GRE test with the attitude that it's just not that important...
..If your new favorite hobby is to make fun of the GRE with your friends and study group...
...Or if you spend more time complaining about taking the exam and "wasting" your time on GRE preparation...
...Then you, my friend, are in need of a serious GRE attitude adjustment!
It's sad but it's true: those who waste their time railing against the fact that they have to take the GRE test do worse on the exam than those who don't. It doesn't matter if the former have spent all of their free time on their GRE test preparation, or practically have a second degree in GRE study.
In fact, as far as testing success is concerned, these factors can actually count against them.
So why is that?
Accept the Inevitable: You're Taking the GRE Test
We've explored one example of a GRE test taker - but what about the other type?
You know who they are. These are the people who look forward to taking the exam. They not only accept the fact that, in order to get into the grad school of their dreams, they have to take the test - they look forward to the opportunity to display their knowledge.
It's not just the attitude adjustment that preps them for GRE success - it's the fact that they don't waste valuable time and mental space railing against the inevitable.
If you're approaching this test with a negative perspective, then listen up: stop making value judgments about the GRE, because it's not going to disappear with a bit of wishful thinking. Those who don't spend their time and energy complaining about their GRE study do better than those who resent or dread it.
So when it comes to taking the GRE test, I've got three words for you...
...Deal with it.
The Attitude Adjustment You Need for GRE Preparation
It may sound like a load of mumbo-jumbo, but trust me: adjusting your attitude is the best thing you could do for your test score. Follow these tips and techniques, and you'll finally be in the right frame of mind for success:
* Sure, the GRE test will be a challenge - but don't obsess over it.
* Give yourself some much-needed perspective about this exam. It's just one piece of the puzzle that grad schools use to determine who you are as a student. It's not a test that defines who you are, nor should you look at it as the end of the world. After all, it's not going to determine the outcome of your life!
* Remember that by reading this article, you're already a step ahead of most people. Trust in yourself to do well - you've got the tools you need to succeed.
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